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Agribusiness San Jacinto S.A.A. is a company dedicated to cultivation, transformation and industrialization of sugar cane and its by-products: sugar, alcohol, molasses and bagasse. It is located 405 km north of Lima and 45 km from the city of Chimbote, in the province of Santa, Nepeña district, Áncash region.

It consists geographically of seven annexes: San Juan, Motocachy, San José, Cerro Blanco, Capellanía, Huacatambo and La Capilla. It also includes the town of San Jacinto, with a population currently exceeding 10,000 people.

This sugar mill, which has high development potential, owns a nine thousand plus hectares property, of which over five thousand are cultivated. Its daily grind exceeds 3,200 tons and its sugar production exceeds 320 tons per day.

This sugar mill has great agricultural influence in the valleys of Santa and Casma, where it promotes the cultivation of sugar cane by private planters.

Even though the land and weather in the valley of Nepeña are excellent for sugar cane growing, a weakness is the temporary shortage of water resources, . There are three major dams: Cunchén and Campana (with six million and two and a half million cubic meters, respectively) located in the lower part of the valley, as well as Motocachy (five million cubic meters) in the upper middle area. Additionally, there is a great layout and irrigation technology investment in the valleys of Nepeña and Santa.

This sugar mill works with a sink and a mill. It also has a distillery with a production capacity of approximately five million liters of alcohol per year.

The company's growth is based on the modernization of the factory and laboratories, the assurance of water resources -by investing in modern irrigation systems, wells and canal lining-, expansion of the agricultural frontier, renovation and purchase of equipment and training of human resource.