From San Francisco de Buenos Aires to the hacienda Cartavio

In 1782, Don Domingo Cartavio acquired from the inspector Don Baltasar de Ocampo 90 bushels (59.4 hectares) of land in the Chicama Valley in order to found a large hacienda which grew to 314 bushels (200.24 hectares). This estate is called Cartavio, formerly known as San Francisco de Buenos Aires.

There were other owners until 1870 when Cartavio Sugar Company appears acquiring the estate as a debt cancellation from Guillermo Alzamora, one of the last owners. In 1872 it became the property of Grace, represented by Juan W. Grace.

In 1890, after the war with Chile, a subsidiary WR Grace and Co. declared the property of the estate Cartavio with 606.6 hectares.
During this period, through investment and state of the art technology, the hacienda reached a significant development in domestic sugar production.

During the military government reform in the seventies, Cartavio was taken over by its workers associated in cooperatives and agricultural societies of social interest, with strong government presence in the board and shareholders.

In 1996, the government enacted the DL 802, Financial and Economic Sanitation Law for sugar agribusiness firms and Cartavio changed its social model to a corporative one. Two years later, Azucagro S.A. acquired the major shareholders stake of the Agroindustrial Complex Cartavio S.A.A., initiating an investment and modernization process placing it as a leader in the Peruvian sugar industry.

In May 2007, Azucagro S.A. transferred all of its shares to Sugar Corporation of Peru SA, a company that belongs to Grupo Gloria, which since then assumed the leadership of the company.