A labor force of over 400 workers

Chiquitoy’s labor force consists of over four hundred workers who perform their tasks under strict safety measures and provided with personal protection equipment. They receive prompt payment of salaries, social benefits and share profits, , among others.

In order to promote professional development and competitiveness, workers receive training both in technical and motivational aspects. The human resources department plays an outstanding job organizing, together with all employees and partners, preventive and integration activities.

Keeping in mind workers health, medical campaigns are held for workers and their relatives, who participate as well in a program consisting of recreational, cultural, religious and sport related activities throughout the year.

One of the activities that stands out in Chiquitoy, and that is supported by our company, are the traditional contests of Peruvian Paso horses, which along with their elegant barges and “Amazonas” have managed to stand out nationally. In this town even the children are experts in horse handling.